Welcome Kimberly's Website

Thank you for visiting my website. This is my personal website on ThatsCoolCool. You will learn about my interests, thoughts and me.

Weight Loss

I have started a journey to loss weight. I started this journey on November 2014. I have lost over 80 pounds. Follow me on my journey to loss weight and reach my goal of becoming healthier.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2005. Click here to learn more about Rheumatoid Arthritis and how it is a part of my life.


I am a mommy of 3 amazing boys. Dominic and Jeremiah who are twins. My younger boy's name is Michael.


This is my gallery. These are some of my pictures that I took.


Hello my name is Kimberly. Click here to know more about me.


I would like to hear from you. Click here to contact me. Feel free to share and comment about my website on ThatsCoolCool.